Vulnerability Scanning Solutions

We offer expert cyber security services and products to help develop the best solutions for your business needs.

External Infrastructure Scanning

Proactively identify vulnerabilities impacting your external infrastructure and use detailed remediation guidance to resolve security issues and remove your cyber risks.

Internet-facing systems are heavily targeted by cyber-attacks looking for common and known vulnerabilities. Vulnerability scanning can help identify and resolve these security issues before they result in security breaches.

Outdated Software, Missing Patches, and Misconfigurations can all lead to vulnerabilities that impact your assets and cause data breaches. Vulnerability scanning can find these security vulnerabilities and allow you to address your potential threats.

As Internet-facing systems are made available, common services are often exposed unnecessarily which can lead to unauthorised access from attackers. Regular vulnerability scanning can highlight these security flaws and provide the information needed to improve your security

Your external assets may be impacted by a range of misconfigurations that introduce risk into your network and exposes sensitive data to external access. Conducting a regular vulnerability scan of your external estate can identify these risks and improve your security posture.

Vulnerability Scanning
Vulnerability Scan

Internal Infrastructure Scanning

Implement Vulnerability Scanning services across your entire organization to gain detailed insights into your devices, services, and potential vulnerabilities.

Produce detailed reports and track your assets and remediation progress over time as you resolve vulnerabilities and reduce risk exposure.

Using network vulnerability scanners throughout your business can highlight any newly connected devices that may impact the security of your business.

Agent-based vulnerability scanners can be installed on your devices to conduct continuous or on-demand vulnerability scans of your managed devices.

Visualize how vulnerabilities and misconfigurations can combine to gain unauthorised access to your critical assets and resolve the security weaknesses which can disrupt attack paths.

Assign business context to your assets and vulnerabilities and utilize threat intelligence to develop a vulnerability management solution tailored to your business.

Web Application Scanning

Utilize a vulnerability scanning solution designed to address vulnerabilities within your Web Applications and find new vulnerabilities by configuring automated scans of your critical business assets.

Configure an automated process to regularly conduct vulnerability scanning against each of your applications and produce a detailed report for any new vulnerabilities found.

Assess your Applications against the OWASP Top Ten, and other vulnerabilities to find weaknesses in your critical business applications.

Find misconfigurations and exposed sensitive data in your applications which can impact your companies security posture and introduce unnecessary risk.

Integrate the vulnerability scanning process into your development process and find vulnerabilities before they are published.

Vulnerability Scanner
Vulnerability Scans

Attack Surface Management Scanning

Gain visibility of your internet-facing assets, using automated vulnerability scanning tools, to find your hidden assets which can impact your security posture and introduce cyber threats.

Integrate your discovered assets into additional vulnerability scanning tools to highlight each vulnerability within your external estate.

Conduct asset discovery scans to find all of your exposed assets and remove your unnecessary systems and services.

Use automated tools and apply asset tags to your systems to categorize your known services and implement asset management processes.

Identify your internet-facing systems and apply security best practices to address vulnerabilities.

Cloud Infrastructure Scanning

Conduct Vulnerability Scanning within your AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud infrastructure and address security weaknesses within your containers and environments.

Prioritize your identified vulnerabilities and integrate your results into third-party solutions for successful remediation.

Adhere to a broad range of compliance standards across multiple platforms and detect potential configuration violations.

Assess your entire cloud infrastructure and detect misconfigurations that lead to data breaches and the exposure of sensitive information.

Conduct vulnerability scans against your virtual machines and containers to highlight vulnerabilities and weaknesses within your security posture.

Integrate vulnerability scanning into your cloud environments to identify security weaknesses that can introduce business risk and impact your compliance standards.

Vulnerability Scanning Services

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Both vulnerability scanning and penetration tests have their place within a complete set of solutions and services to secure your business.

A Vulnerability Scan is useful for regular or continuous scanning, to provide broad coverage for all your devices and quickly highlight any known vulnerabilities which can occur over time.

Penetration tests provide a more in-depth assessment of a particular aspect or asset within your business and helps to find security flaws, vulnerabilities, and misconfigurations that a vulnerability scanner is unable to identify.

False Positives can occur when a vulnerability scanning solution reports a vulnerability that does not exist. As a scanning solution uses an automated process to detect vulnerabilities, occasional errors or misreporting in this process can occur for several reasons.

False Negatives can also occur, which are more problematic than False Positives. A false negative does not report a vulnerability that does exist which can leave a system vulnerable.

To account for these infrequent false positives and negatives, a regular vulnerability scanning schedule should be put in place, as repeated scans may be sufficient to account for the occasional missing or false report item.

Manual Penetration testing can also help to provide a more in-depth assessment of a system and identify any missed vulnerabilities or false reports.

When running vulnerability scans against your systems it is useful to incorporate both unauthenticated and authenticated scans, rather than choosing one or the other.

Both types of scans provide useful insight into the security of your systems from different perspectives.

Unauthenticated scans, particularly for internet-facing systems, can highlight vulnerabilities that are easily accessible to attackers, and present a high priority for resolution.

Authenticated scans can highlight what an attacker may be able to exploit after an initial vulnerability is exploited or a user account is compromised.

While any identified vulnerability should be reviewed and addressed when considering vulnerability prioritization, both unauthenticated and authenticated scans can provide useful vulnerability and business context.

The frequency of a vulnerability scan can depend on your business your specific assets and your risk tolerance. While some vulnerability scanning services can recommend daily, weekly, or monthly scans, the schedule should depend upon the specifics of your business.

If vulnerability remediation is outsourced to a third-party IT management company that only addresses issues once a month, conducting weekly scans may not be useful, if only the last scans are addressed.

However, if your business, aims to respond to any critical vulnerabilities as they are identified, daily scans may be more relevant for you.

The more frequent and responsive your business can be to vulnerabilities the more secure your organization can become.

Ideally, vulnerability scans and remediation efforts should be conducted at least once a month, however, it can be useful to scan more regularly than this and have policies in place to create alerts for critical vulnerabilities and respond to these issues as they are identified.

Implementing vulnerability scanning services represents one part of an overall vulnerability management program. A management program should incorporate aspects such as:

Asset Management and Prioritization,

Vulnerability Detection and Prioritization,

Reporting and Resolving Vulnerabilities,

Verification of Remediation Efforts

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

While a vulnerability scanner can identify vulnerabilities and help with prioritization, ideally your business can implement the tools or policies needed to ensure vulnerabilities are addressed effectively and your business remains secure.

The regular detection and remediation of vulnerabilities impacting your systems is a common compliance requirement found in multiple standards such as Cyber Essentials and ISO 27001.

Implementing a vulnerability scanning service in your organization helps address security weaknesses and maintain best practices in line with compliance requirements.